City of Joliet, IL
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ePlan Corrections
Viewing Correction Items (Markups)
ePlans allows the applicant to view correction items (markups) at any time. The Reviews tab allows you to see what items in your submittal require corrections in real time. Please be aware that more correction items may populate throughout review, so be sure to continue checking for updates.
Once review is completed, an email will be sent notifying the applicant of a comprehensive list with correction items. Clicking the Reviews tab will allow you to view the markups that currently exist on the submittal and it provides fields to filter or search specific information you are looking for.
Sharing Correction Items
ePlans only allows the person listed as the Electronic Plan Submitter to access the application however, markups can be sent to other people in a few different ways. The ePlan Submitter can either send all markups on the application, only certain department markups or a single PDF file with markups to outside entities.
Sharing Single-file PDF Markups:
Login to ePlans and click the Complete button under Tasks, next to the Applicant Resubmit Task.
Scroll down to Step 1 of 4 and click the Review Comments Button.
Find the item you wish to send as a PDF, and click the Download arrow to the right of the correction item.
The file will open with any markups burnt into it, allowing you to view the content when hovering over the markup. You can now save this file on your computer or email it to a third party.
Sending All Markups:
To share ‘All Markups’, click the Complete button under Tasks, next to the Applicant Resubmit Task and scroll down to step 1 of 4.
Click on the Export to Excel button, A window will appear indicating a choice for how you prefer the items to export to Excel.
Choose Single XLSX file when share ALL FILES and click Download. The excel file will appear with the same information provided in ePlans such as: reference number, department name, name of reviewer, markup title, etc. This spreadsheet can be saved to your computer or directly email to third parties.
Sending Specific Departments Markups:
To share specific markups, click the Complete button under Tasks, next to the Applicant Resubmit Task and scroll down to step 1 of 4.
Click on the Export to Excel button. A window will appear indicating a choice for how you prefer the items to export to Excel.
Choose Multiple XLSX files by Department/Trade (as ZIP). Multiple Excel files will open with the same information provided in ePlans such as: reference number, department name, name of reviewer, markup title, etc. This spreadsheet can be saved to your computer or directly email to third parties.
*Note: It is recommended to save the spreadsheet with your own file name to help with receiving responses from multiple people.
REMINDER: The excel spreadsheet is a protected document only allowing the application response column to be edited.
[Next] Step #7: The Approval Process (Final)