An accurate plat of survey is required for all permits for installation of, replacement of, and additions to fences, decks, pools, patios (with or without a roof), driveways, driveway aprons, sidewalks, garages, pergolas, gazebos, porches and similar structures, and additions. This includes the replacement of flatwork (driveways, aprons, sidewalks) with the same dimensions and location.
If you are having trouble locating your Plat of Survey, refer to these options:
Closing Papers from Purchase of Property.
Contacting the Mortgage Company.
FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) Request with the City of Joliet City Clerk’s Office.
Note: This option may only yield results if the plat of survey was provided to the City of Joliet in the past for a building permit or a special zoning approval.
You may also try calling local surveying companies for a possible copy. If none of these options are successful in obtaining the Plat of Survey, you will have to hire a professional land surveyor to resurvey your lot. If you have any questions or concerns, please call the City of Joliet Building Division at 815-724-4070 or Zoning Department at 815-724-4055.
Note: The City of Joliet is not responsible for keeping plats of survey on file.